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Preparing for your tax appointment

Preparing for your tax appointment

You can try filling out your tax return by yourself, and you may feel confident enough to do tax returns for yourself or your loved ones. But a qualified tax accountant will be up to date with the latest changes in tax law and will ensure that you get the very best return possible.

If you not sure what to bring with you for your appointment, stress less, the below checklist contains a list of information for you to prepare and ensure you have all the info we need to complete your tax return on the spot.

This will also ensure we have all your information as we cannot always be sure the ATO portal will have these details ready for when you make your tax appointment:


Your PAYG summaries including any termination payments (if applicable)

Bank interest

Dividend statements

Superannuation income stream summaries

Information on any Allowances paid such as car, travel, entertainment, meals etc.

Annual tax statements from investments

Foreign income

Sale of property, shares, managed funds information that may attract Capital gains

Dividend statements

Business income and expenses 

Rental income from the agent

Expenses for tax deductions

Motor vehicle expenses

Travel and accommodation information

Work uniforms

Self-education and training expenses

Tools and equipment

Personal Superannuation contributions

Interest on investments

Telephone and internet


Income protection insurance

You might not be able to claim all of these expenses, but your tax accountant will be able to advise you of what you can claim during your appointment. 

It is best to prepare all the information at least a week in advance of your appointment so that you have time to obtain any of the information that you don’t can’t easily locate. 

Please note – The ATO is no longer issuing refunds by cheque therefore please also ensure you bring along your current bank account details including the BSB, account number and name to ensure any refunds can find their way into your bank account.

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